Filming Movements

Zoom Shot.

It can be used to effectively magnify a certain focus point in the frame.

Panning Shot.

The camera position stays in place. It can be used to follow a moving character or to fit more into the frame. For an example, panning across a landscape creates a sense of place.

Tilt Shot.

A slow upwards tilt can be effective in making a subject appear bigger or more significant. While a downwards tilt has the opposite effect.

Dolly Shot.

When the entire camera is mounted on a track and is moved towards or away from a subject. A dolly gives the illusion that the viewer is walking towards the subject and can be a great way of creating a sense of intimacy between them.

Truck Shot.

Involves moving the entire camera along a fixed point from side to side. It’s often used to follow characters in action.

Pedestal Shot.

Involves moving the whole camera. It’s different from tilting because the entire camera ascends or descends, rather than just the angle of the camera. A pedestal shot can be used to frame a tall or high subject (such as a building,) while keeping the framing at eye level view.

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